Go Green
Go Green with our Business Solar Heating Solutions!

Installation of the SunQuest 250 immediately reduces the emission of greenhouse gasses, like CO2, from typical fossil fuel burning systems. It does this by using UV Rays to produce up to 30,000 BTU’s per hour and interfacing with conventional units, which distribute that heat to the end user. Only when water temperature drops below an adequate level (at night) do these conventional systems fire. Consequently, the life of these conventional heating systems is extended.
The heat produced by the SunQuest 250 is 100% natural and renewable.Ultraviolet (UV) rays are present whenever the sun is above the horizon, regardless of temperature or weather conditions. Though heavy cloud cover or other external factors may limit the availability of UV Rays the SunQuest 250 is still able to produce extremely high temperatures during these times. The SunQuest 250 system utilizes a mixture of water and food grade glycol, rather than harsh chemicals, to transfer and maintain heat.
(15) SunQuest 250 Collectors reduces the net annual GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions by 74.2 tons of CO2 into our air.
Equivalent to 15.6 cars & light trucks not used.
(35) SunQuest 250 Collectors reduces the net annual GHG emissions by 674.4 tons of CO2 into our air.
Equivalent to 124 cars & light trucks not used.
Business Solar Heating Solutions With Renewable Heat
LEED The Way to a Greener Future
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a certification program designed to encourage environmentally friendly building practices.
According to the U.S. Green Building council:
“LEED certified buildings save money and resources and have a positive impact on the health of occupants, while promoting renewable, clean energy.”
Use LEED for Your Solar Heating Solutions
Mechanical Engineers love the points associated with our solar thermal system. Among other projects, LEED points can apply to newly constructed buildings, those undergoing major renovations, and pre-existing buildings that just need a small upgrade. With a LEED certified building, your business will save money, conserve energy, and improve the quality of the space. Your project may also qualify for tax rebates and and other incentives. Regardless of whether you’re just getting started or striving to reach the Platinum level of LEED certification, the SunQuest 250 solar thermal collector would be a great addition to your current efforts.
Tax Credit Using Our Business Solar Heating Solutions
By installing a Solar Heating system such as the SunQuest 250, your business will be able to take advantage of the 30% Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This federal tax credit issued by the IRS stipulates that solar energy must make up at least half of the water or space heating systems requirements, and the Solar Heating product must be SRCC certified. The SunQuest 250 is SRCC and OG-100 certified and, depending on application, the generated heat it creates generally accounts for 50-100% of all heating requirements. The ITC tax credit is equal to 26% of expenditures, and has no maximum limit. It can also be used to offset alternative minimum tax (AMT) and can be combined with other renewable resource incentives and grants. This applies to the delivery systems, such as new boilers and radiant floor heating, as well as labor. Many times in a new building this pays for the solar thermal application, leaving your business with free heat.
But hurry! This federal tax credit is only available to systems installed on or before December 31, 2020. In 2021 the credit will fall down to 22%. In January 2022 commercial tax credits will fall to a permanent 10% while residential credits become 0%. Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade your business with solar thermal technology and the SunQuest 250.
Financial incentives may also be offered through state and local governments. Resources such as energy.gov and DSIRE.org can help you identify what is available in your state for your business.
Contact Solar UV Solutions Today!
Contact us today to learn how your business can start saving and qualify for a tax credit!