It IS easy being green

It IS easy being green

“It IS easy being green,” Kermit the frog

Kermit once lamented his color–challenged predicament in a song entitled…

“It’s not easy being GREEN!”

At Solar UV Solutions, we would beg to differ.

Nowadays, just about everyone is looking for ways to “go green”.  And, spurring this action is federal and state-level legislation geared at reducing our carbon footprint through the adoption of cleaner and lower-polluting American energy. On August 3, 2015, President Obama and EPA announced the Clean Power Plan – a historic and important step in reducing carbon pollution from power plants that takes real action on climate change. The Supreme Court later upheld this plan.  The final Clean Power Plan gives each state a choice in how it will meet its goals.

State-level rapid DEcarbonization of electricity is becoming the new normal.

State governments are scrambling to put together plans to meet the clean air standards.  Over the past year, several states have ratcheted up their renewable portfolio standards (RPS) to make them more aggressive:

New York – while it is famous for the bright lights of Manhattan, the state is shifting toward renewable energy. In December, Governor Andrew Cuomo directed the state’s regulators to come up with a plan to reach 50 % renewables by 2030.

Hawaii – Governor David Ige approved a June 2015 bill to increase the state’s RPS to 100% by 2045!

Vermont – a state noted for progressive energy goals, past legislation to be 75% RPS by 2032.

California – On Oct 7, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown approved a bill to increase the state’s RPS to 50%, in addition to a commitment to be energy efficient by 50%, by 2030.

Corporations are also turning green!

It is no small thing for a large corporation to declare to the world that they will be net-zero for carbon by 2030.  But, that’s exactly what Siemens did!

For a company like Siemens, with offices, warehouses, and energy-intensive manufacturing facilities all over the world, this is quite a goal. It helps that Siemens makes many of the renewable energy and energy efficiency products that they will use. So, they see this move as a win-win. To quote Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser “Cutting our carbon footprint is not only good corporate citizenship, it’s also good business.”

Xcel Energy, a Minnesota-based utility, has committed to a $6 billion investment in wind and solar energy, as part of what it says will be Minnesota’s most cost-effective way to comply with the Clean Power Plan.  We think it is a good business plan, period,” said Laura McCarten, regional vice president for the Minneapolis-based utility.

If you, too, care about our planet and have a desire to seek solutions leading to lower energy costs (and a cleaner planet) our SunQuest 250 solar thermal collector is the perfect solution. It will cut your Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by over 50% as well as your business energy cost.

Kermit, don’t be sad! It IS easy being green.

And more and more corporations and governmental agencies are recognizing the benefits of GOING GREEN. 

Let Solar UV Solutions show you how easy and cost-effective switching to solar thermal can be.

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Contact us today to learn how your business can start saving with solar thermal energy