SunQuest 250 Success Stories
Success stories of SunQuest 250® customers!
“Show me the money,” is a well-known phrase uttered by Cuba Gooding Jr. and Tom Cruise in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire.
We can all relate to its meaning.
The fact is, at one time or another; we’ve all been on the receiving end of a “sales pitch”. You know the pitch I’m talking about. The one that included “hyped up” promises that almost seemed too good to be true.
So, when we at Solar UV Solutions say that customers regularly save 30% to 50% and more on energy usage, we try hard not to sound too exuberant. And, we maintain a “matter of fact” tone when we add that our system payback generally runs around 5 years. In reality, we are seeing paybacks in less time!
Any potential customer has the right to be skeptical. Because we understand an investment in SunQuest 250® solar thermal panels is a big decision. To justify the investment, you too are secretly saying “Show me the money!’ You want to know that the savings are really going to be there after the installation.
Fair enough.
Let’s take a look at the savings (ala…the MONEY!”) customers who’ve installed SunQuest 250® thermal panels are enjoying today.
LeFever Farms

LeFever Farms operates a repair and service facility specializing in farm equipment, located in Ft. Recovery (NW), Ohio. Their facility features large garage doors to bring combines, tractors, etc. in and out every day.
THE CHALLENGE: In 2009, LeFever Farms was planning a new 12,000 sq ft building with an 18 ft. ceiling, and looking for a more efficient way to heat the space. Constant opening and closing the large doors to accommodate combines and other large farm equipment would make heating during the winter months challenging, regardless of how it would be done. Natural gas was available and in use in their nearby old facility, but the gas company was charging $24,000 a year just to lease the gas line! They needed a way to efficiently heat their new building and avoid an excessive lease charge from the gas company.
THE SOLUTION: A SunQuest 250® Solar Thermal system and backup propane boiler with a radiant floor system was installed as part of the new facility’s construction
THE RESULT: The facility is now completely heated by 6 SunQuest 250® thermal panels. LeFever Farms pays nothing to heat their building! To better understand the level of savings, the building was heated for one week by its backup boiler while waiting for the SunQuest 250® system to be delivered. During that week, the boiler burned $600 worth of propane providing radiant floor heat. The SunQuest 250® system took their propane bill from $600/week to zero!
Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
The Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Carlisle, IN wanted to find a way to reduce water-heating costs. At the time (2012), a single cell house with 200 inmates was costing around $40,000/year to heat. With the installation of 15 SunQuest 250® thermal panels, the facility saw immediate savings. In December 2012, the month with the least available daylight, the facility saved 43% on natural gas for the month!
State Senator John Waterman, in who’s district the facility is located, had this “show me the money” comment regarding how pleased he was with our SunQuest 250® panels performance:
“At 43% heating cost reduction the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility will enjoy an estimated yearly savings of $17,475, this could allow the facility to pay off the SunQuest 250® Solar System in a little over two and a half years. “
In addition, they were able to reduce greenhouse emissions for the entire facility by 6,015 metric tons/year
Give us a call and let us tell you about them. One of them just might be your neighbor!
Roberts Hall – University of Indianapolis
Located on the Southside of Indianapolis, the University of Indianapolis constructed a new 165-bed residence dormitory. The school was looking for ways to offset 50% of their expected gas usage for domestic hot water. They decided to install SunQuest 250® thermal panels in 2012, before the start of the fall semester. The actual savings (show me the money!) were dramatic.
- August 2012 (start of Fall Semester) – 100% of student usage was provided by solar thermal.
- This represents a savings of $780/month.

Impressive data on our solar panels performance was tracked by the UIndy data log for the 10-day period between May 12-21, 2013: Of these 10 days, 7 days (70%) were cloudy or cloudy with rain, 3 days were sunny. Their results are below:
- Created 5,862 kWh of energy – 20,001,144 BTUs.
- 10 days – averaged 200,011 BTUs per panel, per day.
- 10-hour solar day – averaged 20,001 BTUs per panel, per hour.
It is impressive results like these that make satisfied customers of our SunQuest 250® solar thermal panels our best sales representatives.
We welcome the opportunity to “show YOU the money!” you can save.
Contact Solar UV Solutions Today!
Contact us today to learn how your business can start saving with solar thermal energy